Innovative Bio-Logics
Check out some of the things we're working on with some of our clients...

Low-N Input Corn (2023)
Planted with less than 50 lb/acre N through natural inputs and foliar applications, combined with microbial augmentation to support nitrogen fixation and water use efficiency. Yield, quality and test weight will be gathered from this field.

Micronutrient Supplementation (2023)
Most soils in southwestern Ontario are deficient in cobalt, a mineral essential for nitrogen fixation and the production of vitamin B12 in the food chain. Micronutrient availability can also be a challenge. Can we improve yield and quality in soybeans by addressing these deficiencies? Stay tuned...

Do you have a trial idea?
If you have a question you'd like to know the answer to and you think that you would like to do a trial to find out, we can help. Use our contact link to get in touch with us and we can provide you with whatever level of assistance you need to ensure meaningful results.